Weekend Report

Well it's been a week since I've posted. I've been so busy with school and the lovely and so very tired I havn't felt much like typing anything out but here we go.

Just a general week with school etc. I got a 87 on my Ear Training test! Something that almost never happens and private lessons are coming along nicely.

Thursday I spent most of the day with the beautiful one just hanging out.

Friday we went to Cantingy park. For those of you who don't know it's a 500 acre plot of land just west of Wheaton IL that used to belong to General McCormick and is now a arboretum with two museums on site. The first museum is a war museum in honor of those that have fought in every war this country and been involved in. They cover everything from the revolutionary war era all the way up to Dday. Okay, so almost every war. There's been a few new ones in my lifetime that have yet to be added and I don't think they will.

Here are some pictures from Cantingy:

The Angel and pretty flowers!

Kisses are one of my favorite things

The McCormick Mansion

The view from the side of the McCormick Mansion

Ahhh Victory! After a daring climb :)
My Victory Climb Pose.

Random Tree Face

The place is huge and has a TON of gardens and places to picnic. We are going back again once everything is totally planted and blooming.

Then it was back to the house for a quick power nap and then a food run. She sat me down after dinner and we watched Lord of the Rings movie 1 which I had only seen bits and pieces of before. It was amazing! and it helped that I had someone next to me that knew about the movie inside and out to answer questions I had. I never really got into them until now because I had a hard time following them but no worries with that anymore!

So that's it for the Weekend Report

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The Weekend Post

Sweet Pea and Me

In the world I see - you are stalking elk through the damp canyon forests around the ruins of Rockefeller Center. You'll wear leather clothes that will last you the rest of your life. You'll climb the wrist-thick kudzu vines that wrap the Sears Tower. And when you look down, you'll see tiny figures pounding corn, laying strips of venison on the empty car pool lane of some abandoned superhighway.

The above quote is taken from the movie fight club. It's a favorite movie of my brother's and mine, and seems to fit more and more in our current predicament than ever-at least it does to me.

Unless something drastic happens that I need to get up on here right away I'm' going to fit all of Friday Saturday and Sunday into one long post. The weekends are usually less action packed for me and I don't feel like doing much of anything (with the exception of Friday)

Just a typical Friday at school. I had to skip string tech to finish my Theory project but I got everything done and it was as right as possible.

Spent another wonderful afternoon/evening with the lovely. We had dinner with her parents and had some good conversation and a delicious sausage dish. Then off to the woodfield for fries, a walk, some shopping, and lots of holding hands and kisses :) Then back to the house for cuddling and falling asleep on the comfy couch :D

Friday night once I got home and was in my own bed and once again unconscious I had the strangest dream I've had in a long time. Strange enough to make me uncomfortable all of Saturday and even some on Sunday. The most vivid images that are still sitting in the front of my head are for some reason all of my teeth where falling out, only instead of it happening tooth by tooth they came in groups of three along with the gums. Or they came in slivers and parts of teeth still attached to the top of my gums. Section by section I pulled out most of the teeth in my mouth and the sadness that came over me when I looked in a mirror and smiled was sickening. I kept thinking, in the dream that is, that Jess would never want me to smile again and that I would never want to smile at all ever again. Now I don't know if that is my subconscious telling me to go to the dentist to get a cleaning that is well overdue or what it is but man it was freaky and gross :(

Saturday just work and home to work on my fish tanks. Saturday was the first day I've walked to work since basically November. I started here at Prairie Shore in September after working for a long year at Walgreen's. This place kicks ass, and even though I've made some mistakes along the way this job is easy and pays well. Everyone is super nice here as well, and I pretty much can do what I want when no one is around.

Both the frog tank and the fish tank are clean and the inhabitants are happy :) I bought a sludge extractor from petsmart which does wonders in both tanks helping get poop and algae up and out of the gravel without having to dump all the water out of the tank and rinse the gravel by hand. It is less disturbing to the fish as well, because they stay in the tank the whole time, not to mention it keeps the natural bacteria in the gravel and the tank which keeps the cycle efficient. Best 50 bucks I've ever spent on my hobby, and it's pretty cool and fun to use too :) I bought it in the store but here is the link for what you're looking for if you decide to buy one. I haven't tried any others just simply because I feel there is no reason to.

Sunday has been pretty un-eventful so far, just got done eating lunch and there isn't a whole lot to do around here. I suppose I should start working on my transcription that is due Tuesday but it's hard to do those without a piano. Tomorrow needs to kick ass all across the board. After band I need to get some recording done, well a lot of recording. I need to practice, try to get in to West Hall, dinner with the lovely and more things I'm probably forgetting (lol) It'll all get done though.


On the way to work Saturday as I was walking down Leavitt I heard this amazing noise above my head. It was a bird, I'm not sure of the species, pecking and chasing a squirrel out of it's home and not letting up. The squirrel ran down a power line, being pecked by the bird and jumped on to the roof of a garage. In proportions, the squirrel was easily 4 times bigger than this bird, although the ability to fly gave the bird a clear advantage. Now the significance of this is there are so many times where I feel like I'm that bird trying to keep other people from stealing me or trying to destroy things I've been working so hard to keep together and survive. I'm sure we've all had these moments where we filled the role of the bird and someone or something else filled the role of the squirrel. It kinda made me feel like even though there is a few things going on right now that seem like they are 4 times bigger than I am, as long as I keep fighting and pushing forward those squirrels don't stand a chance.

Another thought I've had over the past couple of days is about fuel and driving and just general energy consumption. It bothers me that more isn't being done about the energy crisis happening right now, but what is being done is a start and a definite step in the right direction. Now we all need to take more than a step or two steps but an entire walk in this same direction. In 2008, why are we still so dependent on fossil fuels? Because of greed, laziness, and any other excuse that you can throw on here. It's past time to start changing things. Now I'm guilty as charged just as much as the next guy, but in my defense I'm concious of the things I throw away, how much I'm driving, the water I use, the electricity I use and thensome. Something I wish everyone would start doing. Don't throw the glass bottle you bought just in to the trash, put it in the bin that is right next to the trash can. If there isn't a recycle bin around, then walk it down the two flights of stairs and PUT IT IN ONE. The same goes for plastics and Styrofoams and paper. There should be more recycle recepticals in place for sure, but I know for a fact that Elmhurst College has plenty of them around and it doesn't take much to put your recyclable into bin B instead of bin A. Batteries too, when batteries decay it's nasty-find your local spot to recycle those batteries and DO IT. Be conscious of how much you are driving, can you walk to where you need to go? Anything under 3 miles should be a no brainer, "yes I can walk that" of course there are exceptions to that such as weather and things but if you have the opportunity use it. You get exercise in along with helping reduce emissions.

TURN THE LIGHTS OFF. Especially in rooms you are leaving, like PRACTICE ROOMS. Come ON MUSIC MAJORS! During the day, especially at high noon there's no reason to turn lights on in rooms that have big windows in the first place. Use the natural light it's better for your eyes anyway. Unplug things you don't use, like computers and other electronics-or make sure they are plugged in to a switched surge bar-they are out there and not expensive at all GET ONE or two or three.

No one is perfect and I know that, God knows I'm not. But seriously, start using those brains otherwise by the time we are all thirty there isn't going to be much planet left to dwell on...........

First Day of being a Teacher-kinda (Teaching 6th Grade at Emerson Elementary)

This morning was amazing to say the least. It started out as a regular day, sitting in the frick center with my dearest and finishing up some last minute homework over breakfast. The last minute homework this morning was a poster board that demonstrated the rhythm the bongos play according to the Batucada style of music. This board was used in a 6th grade music class at Emerson Elementary.

I met my group in the Lobby of Irion hall, had to rush to print the fact sheet I had put together out and got in my car and off we went. On the way there, while driving through Bellwood, I got pulled over for doing 52 in a 30. Strangely I'm pretty sure I did no more than 40 the entire trip but whatever.

Finally reached the school and now really had to rush to get myself together and present to this energetic and bright eyed group of 6th graders. I got through it, nervous and sweating, but I got through it and it ended up being a great time with the kids participating and laughing and dancing around the room and just generally having a great time with us.

Then back to school for a trio rehearsal that was really rocking most of the time. The three of us were decently solid with the music today, with a few mistakes of course. For the most part though, we had things together and once again I nailed a lot of the things that have been giving me trouble and tripping my fingers up for almost 2 years now.

It feels good to finally feel like I'm taking steps in the general direction of a good way. I have to admit I was really apprehensive about being a Music Ed Major since I decided to go in to it my senior year in High School. But seriously, after teaching that group of 6th graders, have them pay attention and really understand the concepts the five of us were teaching them gave me such a good feeling. A feeling of excitement and joy and general pride in these students-even though we were their teachers only for 30 mins.

Needless to say, now that things finally feel like they are sliding in to place both in my academic life and my romantic/social life the apprehension I've been feeling is almost gone. I don't think it will ever dissapear, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. It will help me keep in mind that days like yesterday and today are the reason why I'm here and I'm working and I will finish my degree no matter how tough things get-be it health wise or any other way, this feeling of success even at the smallest level has given me a second wind of encouragement, enthusiasm, determination and drive.

On the health front, I went to see my Doctor today accompanied by my lovely. Everything seems, according to him like it will work itself out and my liver will calm the heck down before it self destructs. I have a small amount of fat on my liver which isn't helping things but that's easily taken care of with exercise and continuing to make healthy choices in the caf.

So my license has dissapeared once again, but overall and wonderful day for the second time in a row! I'll get my license back and just take the hit on my insurance, I shouldn't have been speeding and I know it running late or not. My dad said my new car was going to get my in to trouble and he was right (lol) way to call it and give me back luck dad..............

Getting pulled over this morning, while running late and already nervous I think was like the ultimate test for a first time teaching. I mean I was already nervous to begin with, running late which made me a little agitated and anxious, and then getting pulled over shook me up (it was the first time I had ever been pulled over [4 years of driving and a spotless record]) I kept it together though, my composure wasn't perfect by any means but it was together enough to teach a decently successful lesson and have a good time doing it. While I was teaching the kids in the small group I had, I forgot completely about the ticket and everything that had happened and was able to just focus on the incredible group of kids in front of me.

end of line.

Wonderful Day

Today, for the first time in my college career I sat down in my private lesson and performed like a college music student should. I made a few mistakes here and there but for the most part my playing was excellent-I even got a good job from my teacher! Something that NEVER happens.

This cause band to freaking rock for me today. The two hour rehearsal flew by for the most part and I nailed most of the things that have been giving me trouble. Practicing helped but a big part of it was having a clear and level head, a good mood in my heart, and a happiness that I have never known fill me up and take control. This happiness I'm talking about is knowing someone like her can care for and take care of someone like me, an undeserving mess. "I owe it all to my girls ex-boyfriend" This mess is getting his act together, finally, all the work I've been doing personally is starting to show and pay off. I can feel a change inside me, a change in the weather for good and it feels amazing :)

Skipped my Bible Studies class tonight in an effort to not only spend a beautifully warm evening with the almost, but also get my presentation together for tomorrow. I'll be going in to teach the Bongos to a group of 6th graders in a less privalaged area of the city tomorrow. I've never officially been in front and in charge of a classroom before. Of course there will be 4 of my peers there with me, and we are going to break the class down in to small groups-but I'm still a little nervous and apprehensive. Tomorrow is the first test to see if this is truly what I want to be doing for the rest of my life.

Alrighty time to get my poster board together and get in to bed.
end of line.

Food For Thought

This little tid bit is taken from Jessica's facebook notes. It hit home for me because it has to do with Faith and is a perfect example of how quickly we all forget how to be decent human beings regardless of race, religion or anything. Also because I do drive so much every day and see some crazy stuff and admittedly perform some stupid and crazy maneuvers this really hits home. The officers response at the end of this cracks me up :D

A man was being tailgated by a stressed out woman on a busy boulevard. Suddenly, the light turned yellow, just in front of him. He did the right thing, stopping at the crosswalk, even though he could have beaten the red light by accelerating through the intersection.

The tailgating woman was furious and honked her horn, screaming in frustration as she missed her chance to get through the intersection, dropping her cell phone and makeup.

As she was still in mid-rant, she heard a tap on her window and looked up into the face of a very serious police officer. The officer ordered her to exit her car with her hands up.

He took her to the police station where she was searched, finger printed, photographed, and placed in a holding cell. After a couple of hours, a policeman approached the cell and opened the door. She was escorted back to the booking desk where the arresting officer was waiting with her personal effects. He said, "I'm very sorry for this mistake. You see, I pulled up behind your car while you were blowing your horn, flipping off the guy in front of you, and cussing a blue streak at him. I noticed the 'What Would Jesus Do' bumper sticker, the 'Choose Life' License plate holder, the 'Follow Me to Sunday-School' bumper sticker, And the chrome-plated Christian fish emblem on the trunk, Naturally... I assumed you had stolen the car."


Allow me to introduce myself

Hello to all!
For the longest time now I've wanted to start a blog to post ideas, frustrations and whatever else I can find. I've heard blogspot was the place to do it so here I am!

I'm a sophmore student at Elmhurst College studying Music Education (hence the title hehe) and loving mostly every minute of it. Like everyone else in the world I've found days, weeks, and sometimes months where focus on my degree and my future has become a little fuzzy. Music has been my life since the age of 3, and I'm sure that will never change no matter how fuzzy things get.

My primary instrument is Clarinet, and I love to play it-I don't practice nearly as much as I should though I have to admit. Right now I'm commuting to and from school each day which does make it difficult to find time and the desire to pull my horn out and practice, I'm getting better at that sort of thing though. I'm moving on campus in the fall of 2008 thankfully. Living in a single is what I'm hoping for, but it will be nice not to have to drive the 40+ miles each day and just go to class and do my thing.

So why did I decide to commute freshmen and sophomore year? There were several reasons, one being my younger brother (he's two years behind me) is still at home and I really felt like I couldn't leave him here to fend totally for himself with my parents being psycopaths. Another reason would be the girl I was dating is my brother's age, and my high school being only 2 blocks from my house cause my life outside of school to be displaced to the area around my home. She didn't live around my house or Lane Tech, but the covince of my house and the desire not to drive more than I had to (even though I love to drive) meant jetting from school every day as soon as I possibly could. Things have changed now and my life and an interest is centered more around Elmhurst as a whole and it feels excellent.

So why Music Education? Why not business or performance or law enforcement? Even though all those other degrees are enticing and have much different possibilities, to be able to help guide young minds seems to me the only worthwhile career I can possibly imagine. Of course, that's my personal opinion and I don't mean to knock any one down with their own life goals, I'm just saying for me Music Ed is it. I want to focus more or less in Private Instruction and High School Marching Band. I also want to get in to instrument repair and composition. I'm also considering doing a minor if I can fit it in but I'm not sure yet.

I have Crohns Disease and Ulcerative Colitis, for those who don't know that that is this link will take you to some information on Crohns and this link will take you to Colitis info. Yes it's wikipedia but it is correct. Admitedly having this condition makes life difficult at times. My symptoms as of late have been under control and I'm stable for now which is awesome. But flare ups that come at any time and pain that doesn't seem to ever go away does make things harder but not impossible. I do my best to not let it bring me down but some days are better than others. Everyone has their stuff right?

Just like everyone I've been through my share of stuff in 20 years of life. The most major experience that negativly affected my life was being diagnosed with Crohns and UC, this being tied with the accident of 2006. My brother and I were hit by a Jeep Grand Cherokee doing 35 mph as we were crossing the street going to lunch right around Christmas. It's something that my brother and I have thankfully both made it through but it's not something easily forgotten as Eric was in a difficult spot for a good span of time.

The most positive life changing experiences I've ever had would be the 4 Appalachia Service Project mission trips I went on through my church. A counterpart to Habitat for Humanity, our group of some 50 people spent a week in the southern Appalachian region of our country rebuilding homes and helping to create a better quality of living for those in need. I really need to get back down there and do some honest hard work on a hot tin roof, it helps keep my view of line where it should be. Unfortunately I won't be able to go down there and help out for a while :(

The support of my friends and family, however small, has helped so very much in everything-including staying in school when I've felt like I would rather get my life up and going now rather than in three years. Thank you to all of you incredible people, you guys are truly blessings.

Perhaps the biggest recent influence on my life, stamina, determination, source of strength and inspiration is my new found close friend and companion Jessica. As of right now, an almost girlfriend-but for sure the best almost I could ever have dreamed of. She's wonderful, and good to me, and takes care of me like no one ever has. Not to mention she's drop dead gorgeous and the cutest most adorable thing I've ever seen. :D

So that's pretty much me in a nutshell, at least for now.
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