So Here We Go

Day one of Christmas break has already come and gone, and even though it was cold and miserable outside I had a wonderful day just relaxing and hanging out with my Dad. I did get some things done around here though like starting the massive organization project I have going on in my room right now. I'm so sick and tired of being cluttered and un-organized and just generally a mess. I've found, as obvious and redundant as this is going to sound, that once I'm organized and don't have to think about where things are or remembering what to take everything becomes pretty much automated. At school in my dorm room I've set aside space for each day and keep everything I need for each specific day together, that way in the morning all I have to do is grab from that one space and go. Sure it takes some time to prep everything the night before and make sure that things are ready to go, but it's no different than getting my gym bag together for my workout or anything else for that matter. My goal is to do the same with all my junk here at home so that living between two spaces for the next couple of months will be a little less chaotic.

My Dad and I watched some Trick Shot Pool this evening and I gotta say it was pretty awesome. The game of pool is completely re-invented with Trick Shot and pretty much anything goes. I don't fully understand all of Trick Shot to be of any good with describing it to you but I will give it my best shot. Basically the player creates different shots using various props, a special set of pool balls, and different ways of shooting and using more than just the cue ball to get things going. For example one of the shots involved swinging the rack suspended from a tripod over the table and jumping 6 balls through the swinging rack every time it swung from left to right and sinking each ball in the left and right corner pockets on the opposite side of the table long ways. (I hope that makes sense). The shots were nothing short of elaborate and fun to watch, you definitely need a lot of skill and talent to pull off shots like these guys were cranking out.

Last night I decided to take on the endeavor of trying to blog for some sort of income. Seeing as how I have three weeks off of school I needed a project other than cleaning my room and eating lots of food and this was my solution. I'm looking for ways to make some extra dough without taking on a graveyard shift or adding any real serious obligations to my already overwhelmed schedule. With the way my health is right now too I don't need the burden of being employed somewhere that requires my body be in a specific place for a given amount of time. Besides Prairie Shore is good to me and I love working there, I just need a little extra something on the side. Something that is basically on my terms or at least flexible terms. So my first solution is to start blogging like a mad person, promote the living hell out of my stuff, join as many promotional and advertisement places I can walk my fingers and point my mouse towards. If anything it will give me good practice at writing original content and getting myself out there. It may be a long shot for sure but what else am I going to do for three weeks? I can only play so much video games and watch so many movies. If by the end of this wonderful break I'm on there is not a slight return on my efforts than I may just abandon the whole make money thing and just blog my heart out anyway-it's an addiction that I think is healthy. I've got some ideas I came up with this morning on meaningful blogs that have pretty much unlimited blogging potential if I'm smart about it. So far my first one has some kinks but I think with a little more time devoted I can work it all out.

My health remains unchanged and I apologize for the lack of information for those who want it. Due to the craziness of the end of the semester I had put off getting things taken care of with my liver specialist but finished up this past Saturday. Now I'm waiting on him to get my liver slides and review them and then call me and tell me what I have going on inside my stupid and totally inefficient body. I really do appreciate all the continued support, encouragement, thoughts and prayers.

Finally for tonight: a rant. I HATE Prednisone with a passion! I have no idea whatsoever why athletes would put themselves through steroids. Honestly the effects on my muscles are insignificant versus the nasty side effects and extreme hunger that is steroids. I have been so constantly hungry for the past month, and yes managed to get my weight down and keep it down, but still-I'm sitting here writing this feeling so hungry that I'm almost sick even though I've polished off a whole apple and 7 breaded mozzarella sticks myself. For some reason my usual just ignore it tactics are not working tonight and I'm climbing the walls. Just 3 more months and I'll hopefully be weaned off of this nasty stuff. Any athletes reading this and considering steroids or currently using steroids I think you're completely nuts and probably should get psycho evaluated and medicated. No offense.

If anyone knows of a way for me to land a position blogging professionally please give me a heads up-I would really appreciate it.

End of line.

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