Christmas Shopping Complete

It has been one busy but fun day shopping with my dearest. I have all of my Christmas shopping done with the exception of one gift! AMAZING! I thought it would be much harder than that. I also bought several more things for my room to continue this whole get organized and stay organized New Years resolution. Yep, that's right, I'm officially declaring on my blog my New Year's resolution: Get organized, stay organized, stay productive.

So far so good in all truth. My grades this semester came back as follows:
Band: A
Conducting: B
Music History: B
Psych: C
Lessons: A
Political Science: A
Vocal Tech: B
Classical Ensemble: Pass
Term GPA: 3.158
Overall GPA: 3.059

The C in Psych killed my momentum slightly but overall I'm pretty proud of my grades this semseter. Living on campus really helped boost my studies significantly and Jessie was a big influence too. She got all A's and B's this semester (SOOOO PROUD) and is really doing great as well. It's nice to have someone there to study with and push you when you really need some motivation.

After our massive shopping extravaganza today Jess and I returned to her house to cook dinner. We made a big salad and I broiled chicken and it turned out to be a delicious meal :) Afterward we had cinnamon rolls (the Pillsbury kind) for dessert and curled up on the couch to watch old Christmas movies from the early to mid '90s which brought back lots of memories from being small.

So my attempts to keep getting published every day on the web is continuing. If anything it's giving me good practice for writing papers for school. I just love the idea of putting something out there and actually attracting people to read it.

Now to bed for some well earned sleep :)

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