My Baby Gets Me

Yesterday when I arrived at my darling's place of residence she surprised me with two gifts. Green Living for Dummies and Green Building & Remodeling for Dummies :D

I've been on such a green kick latley with no sign of it stopping and for once the woman I'm with instead of just going along with me or ignoring my interest actually thought about me and bought me the sweetest surprise I've gotten in a long time. So what? It's just books... is what you are probably thinking right now-but it goes so much beyond just books it's impossible to describe.

Which also makes me realize how damn lucky I am to have her in my life. To have her care, support, kindness, and sincere concern for me is unbelievable and so undeserved sometimes (like when I get angry behind the wheel or am being overly stubborn or any other number of things). I just wanted to put this post up to say Thank You Jessica for everything you've done for me, everything you will do for me and most of all for just being here giving me someone to walk this road with- you really do mean the WORLD to me and that continues to grow each and every day.

Well after a long but productive day at the office I'm going to kick back and watch a movie, drink some water and close my eyes for a few.

end of line.
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