What the Flying F

Mainstream music has hit an all time low with the release of "I kissed a girl" by Katy Perry and the forced ramming of it down my throat. I refuse to turn on any radio station (satellite [which i pay for monthy] or otherwise) until this obscene and ignorant piece of trash is not bouncing around the air waves. In an age where homosexual's are having to constantly fight for their equality, for their GOD GIVEN RIGHTS mainstream America is still stupid enough to put this crap on the radio? Wait...why am I so surprised? Of course it's on the radio! Okay who did Katy Perry have to blow or sex up to get her disgusting voice on the radio. And the music video? Seriously? I'm just about ready to grab my toaster, cut the GFI plug off ot it, connect it to a car battery and get in to the bathtub. ZAP! Yea yea I know "freedom of speech" but seriously? It's one thing to excercise your freedom of speech, but another to take that freedom and use it to both mock and undermine an ever growing part of the global society. Oh and before you jump to another conclusion: I. AM. STRAIGHT. Those of you who are homosexual, please feel free in joining me with an anti-radio boycott until this shit is taken off the air. Comment or message me on here if you please too.

Okay so now that that rant is over on to business. I got all my housing stuff for this fall, and every day that goes by I seriously cannot wait that much more to get the flying hell out of this house and away from certain people. To be able to spend all kinds of time with my lovely, and be within walking distance of her place of residence has got me so excited it's hard to fall asleep sometimes. It's been a great adventure with you so far Sweet Pea, you've taught me so much abtout myself, helped me conquer some very big demons and tone down the noise of my life. I seriously cannot wait to see what life has up it's sleeve for us :)

My lights, fuses and fuse box will be arriving tomorrow, so hopefully tuesday and wednesday I'll be able to get those in and this project tied up. I'm excited to give Layla some extra flare!

Things around work seem to be slowing down considerably more and more every weekend which is bothersome, hopefully with the change of the president this economy will bonce back-although I'm positive we still havn't found a bottom yet.

I've started writing two songs and hope to finish them very soon.

that's about it, i'm going to go lift some weights before I put my fist through a wall.

end of line.
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