LONG overdue post

Alright it's been over 2 weeks since my last update so here it goes.

Things have been going decently, the green plan is taking shape as I read through books and watch planet green with the Dad-it's important that I'm starting on this now and have a few years to put together because going green the way I want to is complicated beyond belief. It's not an impossible feat however.

The latest addition to my plan is instead of running the house completly off the grid I want a system that ties in to the grid in a reverse manner. That way my solar arrays will be generating power for the house and putting excess power on the grid that is clean and renewable-and helping my check book in the process. It's going to be nice to have the power company pay me for my power instead of the other way around.

On a weekly basis with time spent at home, at work, and at the girlfriends I threw a lot of crap away. More than I really want to admit but here it is directly from the record book:

Totals for One Week:
9 Nutrigrain Bar Wrappers
12 gum wrappers
2 Styrofoam Dinner Containers
10 sheets of paper (recycled)
14 chewed pieces of gum
20 Kleenex's
18 Q-Tips
15 Pepsi Cans (Recycled)
20 Root Beer Barrel Wrappers
15 Paper Towels
8 Reece Cup Wrappers and 2 containing wrappers
5 Card Board Boxes (Recycled)
6 HoHo Wrappers
1 Paper Bag
6 Plastic Salsa Containers (Recycled)
3 Plastic Forks (Recycled)
3 Plastic Knives (Recycled)
3 Plastic Spoons (Recycled)
4 Paper Plates

For one person, this list is pretty extensive and since the completion of the week I was recording I've mad several changes to my every day habits. For starters instead of using plastic silverware at work for my lunch and a paper plate, I bought a microwave safe dinner plate and brought an old fork, knife, and spoon from home. I got them from the old dinner set my mother has that we almost never use. I've also stopped using paper plates at home, washing a dish when done the right way creates far less waste than a paper plate going in to the trash-not to mention the amount of money saved on throw away plates and silverware. I've stopped using paper towels for the most part. In certain places, like public restrooms and the like, it's next to impossible-unless there are hand dryers present. But when drying dishes or my hands I've used more towels than anything. This includes the dish washing I do at work and the drying of my hands when using the bathroom. I have two towels I bring in on Saturday morning and take with me Sunday afternoon. I then wash these towels with my work clothes every week before re-using them. I'm seriously considering buying 7-14 handkerchiefs and using them for my ever running nose instead of the constant barrage of Kleenex. If used properly a handkerchief can be a clean and almost waste free way of blowing one's nose.

My next project I am undertaking is to light up the speaker wells in all for doors of my car. I ordered 4 blue LEDs, and fighter jet switch, fuses and a fuse box. I'm going to take step by step pictures of the process and put them up here just because I think it's cool. I'm more than likely going to light up the grill, engine compartment, rear license plate bolts and maybe a light or two in the cargo area just because I can :D

Things with my lovely continue to get better and better each day. I have been so blessed and feel lucky beyond words. She lights up my life in every way possible. You're my favorite SWEET PEA!
end of line.
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