Oh. No! Mom, I'm sorry.

Before everyone freaks out this is not about my liver condition. Things are unchanged still, I will post more info as I get it I promise.

Instead this is about a huge oversight I made in regards to my thank you post I made a while back. I mentioned a lot of important people in that post-my dad, brother, darling girlfriend etc. But I forgot one very important person to thank and talk about and that was my own Mother. How could I miss her? of all people? We've had some disagreements in the past but she's always been there for me when I needed her. She's always taken care of me when I was sick, she would take off work when I was younger and went with me for my tests when I was diagnosed with Crohns disease. She's helped bail me out of countless situations where I could have gotten in a lot of trouble. How could I have done this? I'm probably the world's worst son in all seriousness and I feel completley and totally horrible.

I'm so sorry mom from the bottom of my heart. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings or make you feel left out in any way. That post was literally a flood of emotions and I honestly have no idea why you didn't get a paragraph like the others did. I did have something to write about you and I have no idea why it didn't get typed in. Just please know and understand I didn't single you out and decide consciously not to put you in that post.

To Mom:
Thank you for always being there no matter what. For always taking care of me when I was and am sick. For always giving me a shoulder to cry on and an ear to talk to. For cooking me dinner. For staying up with me all night working on my science fair projects because I procrastinated until the very last minute. For helping me write those tedious papers and work on all those projects and keeping me working and motivated through it. Thank you for pushing me to practice my Clarinet when I really had no desire to. Thank you for listening to me complain about Walgreen's when I would come home at midnight and have to get up at 5am the next morning to make school on time. For coming in to check on me to make sure I'm awake and ready for work. For coming to all of my concerts, especially the ones that made your ears hurt. For loaning me cash when I needed it. For driving me all over the city trying to track down something I really wanted and then later helping to pay for it once we found it. For always forgiving the stupid things I say and do or have said and have done. Thank you for letting me drive all the time when I had my permit-I attribute the massive amount of time behind the wheel when I first started out to my driving skill today like none other. For supporting me when I wanted to play basketball in grade school-even though I mostly sat on the bench. For putting up with my bad attitude, and having patience with me when I'm on the roids. For going to bat for me with my father on certain issues, and having the patience to listen when I went to him first. For buying me McDonalds even when you would have rather consumed anything else. For always making opening Christmas presents exciting knowing that you would pick up things I never asked for but knew I would like anyway. For doing my laundry every weekend without me even asking. And for anything and everything else I've missed. Thank you. I love you very much Mom, and I'm so sorry I'm such a stupid male and have hurt you.

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