Finally living out of the house

Day 3 on campus and I am loving it. It feels so good not to have driven an hour and a half in the morning knowing I have a full day ahead of me with lots of work to do as well as spend time with the important people around here. My roommate is cool although I almost never see him (mostly by my own fault) and the two guys next door seem cool too. Jess's room is amazing and comfortable and her suite mates are all really nice and sweet.

My car has not moved from the spot I left it in Sunday morning! I love to drive that thing but with the price of gas and the stress that is induced with being behind the wheel I seriously feel relieved that I don't have to go very far to be home-at least for the week. I'll be driving home every weekend but still I'm relaxed, able to focus a whole lot more in class, able to stay awake in class, and I'm able to get organized and actually get things done for a change. It seriously feels like a weight has been lifted off of my whole body.

Being able to fall next to my sweetest is also an amazing thing. She's seriously the most adorable and gorgeous thing I have ever seen or curled up next to. The bed is a little small for two people to sleep in but it will do for now. I love waking up and having her next to me and not have to worry if someone is going to walk in and yell at us or whatever. The 32 inch television I bought is a nice touch to her room too :)

So now I'm just sitting in my quiet dorm room enjoying the afternoon, debating whether or not I should go sit outside in the sun and read some or just relax for an hour until Jess gets out of work. Living in the new dorm is amazing, everything is so nice, it seriously feels like living in a hotel.

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