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"Life sucks, it's hard. If it were easy then anyone could do it and be successful. The same can be said about college, it's tough and set up to weed out the people that can't make the cut. So you have to decide for yourself which kind of person are you? Are you the kind that just gets up and quits because it's too hard? Or are you the kind that will sit down and figure everything out and make it? I think you're the kind that is going to make it, you haven't shown me any reason to believe otherwise." -My Dad

Right now more than ever, my Father's words keep ringing in my head. I am officially not on a good road with my health. 1/3 of it is my own fault, 1/3 of it is most likely due to the medication I have been on for a year now, and 1/3 of it is most likely another chronic condition that has no cure. There is a treatment for it, put me on steroids for four months, which is not any fun in itself. I have to go see a second liver specialist and most likely will be changing my meds as well as work out every day to get the fat off my liver. I'll be the first to admit, I'm not the healthiest person in the world, but I look around and see people eating like I do or worse and without problem and forget that I'm not like everyone else. I'm sick and have to do things differently then normal people. A fact that even three years in to all this I am having a hard time accepting and getting used to.

The steroids suck, a lot. I am constantly starving, which I can only ignore so much; My sex drive has increased like none other, my hair grows three times as fast, my muscles are tense all the time and spasm on me for no reason, I have nights were I can't fall asleep and days after where I can function normally on 2-3 hours of sleep. Then I have nights like last night where I had a slightly hard time falling asleep and woke up this morning completely exhausted. I go through periods of irritability and aggression, extreme depression, extreme happiness, and docility literally from one minute to the next sometimes. Then other times I'm stable and feel like I'm in control and can handle this. It's going to be a long and tiresome four months, but something is different this time. It's because I know what I'm dealing with, what to look for and watch out for, how to handle myself (when possible) and I have someone to help me through this who has been amazing so far :) Thank you Jessie from the bottom of my heart!

I bought a new MP3 player, a ZUNE, and it arrives today. I am so excited! I'll be able to start working out too, I would have started sooner but you can't work out without tunes.

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