Interesting Weekend

The weirdest weekend of my life just came and went. I honestly didn't know what to make of it, and I'm sure I still don't.

My Sweet Pea went on the intercultural retreat with our school this weekend and had an awesome time! And I am so happy for her :) I'm a little jealous that I didn't get to go along this year, but I am definantly planning on making it next year. She brought back pictures that are just gorgeous of the grounds, and the frogs, and the praying mantis! Looks like it was soooo much fun :)

That's not the weird part of my weekend though......

I got home Friday a little after 2pm and had lunch and relaxed. Seeing as how Jessie left campus for the retreat around then, I decided to bug out early and beat traffic home. After my Dad came home he decided it necessary to tell me about a conversation he had with my mom and licking her feet. I have no idea why the hell my parents feel the need to clue me in on their sex life, or any part of that kind of thing, but they do. At dinner they brought it up again making me want to cut my ears off and leave them on the dinner table.

So Friday comes and goes, I finally get to bed and fall asleep. Around 2:30am I get a drunk txt from Becca and a phone call from Emily wondering where I am. I turned my phone off after that, but had a hard time falling back asleep. When my phone rings that late at night I panic a little. As I was reaching for it to pick it up all these worst case scenarios started racing through my head about Jessie, my Godmother, my Aunt, MY BROTHER. And when I didn't recognize the number, because I did not have Emily's number in my phone book, it made it worse. False alarm though, everything is fine-just made me jumpy. I go to work and get a whole bunch of stuff done for school, watch supernatural, still trying to shake off everything. When I get home my mom asks me if she called me during the week would I come home and be with her if she got lonley. My Dad is leaving for Vegas on Monday (today) and coming back Friday. I told her no, that I would come home if she was hurt or if someone broke in to the house but otherwise she's 50 years old and I don't have a whole bunch of time to just throw out the window. Now this request is strange in itself, but what made it worse was that I felt like she was coming on to me. I got this increadibly creepy, weird, fucked up vibe from her as we talked about this, and it kinda made me not want to be alone with her in the house ever again. Saturday night I had to flush the runt of the litter in my fish tank :( Poor little guy put up a good fight, and I had him over a year, but either the other fishes attacked him or he got stuck on the filter cause he was pretty banged up and just kinda did the dead man's float before I scooped him out. RIP little guy.

So Sunday I go to work, come home and get packed up, help my Dad out with a few things for his Vegas trip. We wash the cars, I cook dinner and everything is as fine as they can be. I get in the car, hit the highway and see three really bad accidents, one on the right shoulder, one right in the middle of the outbound side, and one on the inbound side. It's not even a full moon. Jeez.

I'm back laying next to my loveley now though, and everything is feeling much better. I'm hoping I'll be able to shake some of this creepy feeling I got from my Mom this weekend, Jessie is sure helping with that. I love her cuddles, and when she kisses me, and all this cute quirky things she does to pieces. She always can bring a smile to my face no matter how angry, or creeped out, or scared, or sad I get. She is an Angel. We're coming up on three months for her and I (officially) and 7+ months of knowing each other and I seriously could not be happier.

The Cubbies won the division title! Which always makes me happy. And my sinuses continue to get worse day by day. I don't know if I'm going to be able to wait to go get them scraped out, which is bothersome because I really cannot afford to take a whole bunch of time off of school. My Godmother says that having it done is really not that bad, but my sinuses are screwed up. I hope it would be a quick procedure but who really knows.

end of line.
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