This Historic Day

What a day! I got to watch the first Black man be sworn in as President of these United States! Even though I was watching a television and was sitting thousands of miles away from our capital i still felt honored to be witnessing such a historic event-and with such a noble and great man to boot. Granted it is a little early to be passing this kind of judgment but I can't help it. I have such a good feeling about President Obama-things are better already just having Bush out of Washington. Yes I know things are not going to change over night and he has a lot to deal with, break through and accomplish. But seriously after watching the debates, how he handled his campaign, and just listening to the man speak I seriously believe we're better off today than we were yesterday. Tomorrow is going to be interesting with our President's foreign policy announcements among other things. Imagine, having a President who is comfortable being President! Someone at the helm of this country who can form actual sentences and pronounce words properly! We now have a President who does not have his fingers in big oil! WOW! WHAT A CONCEPT!

ALSO: Anyone who says George Bush was a great leader should just quit right now. There is no way anyone can sit and say he did a good job as a leader. He had the lowest approval ratings in the history of our country on his way out and while in office. Seriously. GIVE IT A REST. And don't even try to compare President Obama with former President Bush. There is no possible comparison so again, give it a rest.

The next year, heck the next couple of months, are going to be interesting for sure and I am so excited that this all happened at a time in my life where I actually have the sense to focus in on current events. What a time to be a college kid! :)

In other news my Dearest has a paid internship lined up for the Spring at Concordia College in the archives there! I am SO excited and happy for her. Things are starting to line up splendidly for Jessie! Now we just gotta get her to call the number........ lol. I'm glad I was able to go with her and support her with this whole thing too :) It makes me feel good to give her support after all she has done/does for me.

Oh and by the way PETA... I will not call my fish "sea kittens" sorry. AND changing the name of an animal to something like "sea kitten" is ridiculous in so many ways. No one is going to call them sea kittens people. Let's try a less cutsie more mature approach to things...... please?

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