3 days out, bring on the break

Things continue to move like clock work, even though this week seemed to drag on and on. I'm all caught up and ready to go in my classes and cannot wait to get the finals over and done with-not to mention my jury which is going to kick ass this year no doubt. I'm not even that nervous about anything going on next week, surprisingly not even my jury-which is usually an extreme source of anxiety for me this time of year. I really have no other explanation for my confidence this year other than I've worked very hard at it and honestly have given it my everything. I really like the piece I'm doing which always helps, and making the Wind Ensemble this year has proven to myself that I can handle being a musician. This is what I love to do and teaching music is the only thing I can see myself doing for the rest of my life.

Right now I'm sitting in our student center waiting for my dearest to get out of her last German class for the year, hoping that I will keep my food down this afternoon. I woke up this morning with my Crohns acting up, my chest cold continuing although subsided for the most part, and total exhaustion taking over my body and my brain. Tomorrow after work I plan on coming home, changing immediately in to my pajamas, making some tea and sitting on the couch under a blanket to watch tv with my father before and after dinner. TOTAL VEG NIGHT? I think yes :D and possibly some long distance video games with the brother if he's around.

As for a liver problem update I really have nothing to tell you all. There is really no new news to post here. I have not honestly had a chance to get the ball rolling with getting my slides transferred or make phone calls or anything. My health always picks the dumbest times to give me hell, and right now school has to come first. Next week I will have plenty of time between tests and my Jury to make phone calls and get all this together for after the new year. I'm still going strong aside from being totally exhausted from all this work and such so no worries here. Again thank you to all for the continued prayers and support.

end of line.
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