Cleaned All Day

So tomorrow is our annual Pizza Party with my Mom's side of the family. One of my best friends is coming but we consider him a third Son and he definitely counts as family-mostly because I've know him so long. Matt has had my back longer than any other of my friends. He helped build our house during the great 2 year rehab our family under took in 2004. I met him back when I was in cub scouts, which at 20 years old seems like so far away it's not even funny. Matt and I have been through a lot together, both directly and indirectly. And of course how can I forget him making the trip across town to Children's Memorial when my brother was there after the accident every single day he possibly could, especially days when I could not make it. I'm not sure if he reads this or not but I just wanted to take a minute out to thank him from the bottom of my heart for always being there not only for me but for my family too. One of my many blessings in my life is to be surrounded by people as genuine and awesome as Matt is.

Getting back to my title, I literally tore the house apart by myself today and got it cleaned top to bottom. Bathrooms, hard wood and tile floors, counter tops, tables, couches, TVs, dust collector things we put out on display, baseboards- you name it I cleaned it. On top of watching the market with the big news released today, managing all of my blog stuff, working on my on going project to get my room and life in order, talking with my dearest, debating with a friend about ideas, shoveling snow, helping my Dad with his Face book, helping with the groceries, oh and writing this post. I did a ton of stuff today and can honestly sit here and say I'm exhausted for good reason on Christmas break. I'm not complaining here mind you, I just felt it necessary to spell out exactly what I did today for my own sake-lately I've been feeling so lazy it's not even funny. I love being on break and really did need some time off of school, but unless I'm going 24/7 feel like I'm a waste of that bad?

Anyway, I've got three days of work starting tomorrow and I am sooo looking forward to the little extra on my paycheck to help offset Christmas shopping. I didn't do too bad this year as I managed to get everyone bought for well under what I projected I would need to spend. But my savings account did take a slight hit, as I'm sure everyone's savings accounts did, and I want to put the money back.

If anyone is looking for a new CD to listen to (on my other blog I've got a more in depth review up) Saving Abel's new self titled release has been rocking my stereo the past few days. They sound like a little bit of Nickleback mixed with some Silvertide mixed with some Candlebox (according to the Zune review of the album). My favorite cut on the album among others is 18 days, I've taught myself to play it already. The album is good from start to finish as it does not lose it's momentum at all.

end of line.
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