Can't sleep blues

Well seeing as how it's a concert weekend, my dearest is hogging the bed, and I can't sleep I figure I'll update this now as I won't have the chance later on.

I somehow manage to keep pulling grades out of my ass. Don't ask me how it's happening, it just is-I've become even more lazy as the semester has gone on but somehow manage to keep getting A's and B's on stuff. For example, the transposition test in conducting (which i did study somewhat for) I pulled a B on. HOW? I have no idea, I left the classroom thinking "sweet Jesus God I failed that thing" and fully thinking taking conducting 1 over again was going to have to be put in to my plans for next year. I've failed only one thing so far in the class, granted it counted for 40 percent of our grade-but still I think I'm for sure in B territory.

Thursday morning I walked in to Psychology class after missing Tuesday morning for band tour and totally forgetting to email my professor or anything. We had a test which I got through by the seat of my pants using logical choices for the multiple choice. I'm willing to bet I got at least a C on it. That sound cocky but it's not meant that way. I'm basing this prediction on the string of luck I seem to currently be on. Vegas anyone?

I'm so glad that I'm getting closer to the people around this campus, and have managed to find those that are true friends and worth getting to know. I've never honestly let my guard down like this and tried being myself around anyone before, and so far it seems like things are good :) It definantly makes eating meals more enjoyable, and not so lonely. Jessie has been a HUGE help and influence at getting me to relax and calm the hell down, and just helps make things easier in general (except when you're being a pain in the ass :P )

I've got a slightly elaborate and romantic afternoon/evening planned for my dearest later on and I'm so excited! It's nothing huge and I'll post more details later (I don't want her reading this and having the surprise be ruined) I really hope she enjoys it though :/

The alleged hate crime that happened two weeks ago now has left such a bad taste in my mouth. Not directed at the Muslim people, or anything like that. But directed at the immaturity and stupidity of people and society. I have no idea what she was aiming to achieve with her actions but the end result was several steps backwards towards a tolerant and respectful place for anyone to go to school. She's facing some jail time after a court hearing, and I honestly hope either the court rules that she didn't make it up and she is not punished wrongfully or if she really did make it up then she should get some kind of reprimand. Jail at 19 years of age makes my heart drop and my stomach hurt, just thinking if I were in her position-but she needs to be held accountable in some way. What she did to us, her "friends" her "community" her college was so wrong and disgusting it's going to take a long time for me to feel comfortable again, or even be able to put out of my mind how utterly terrified Jessie was and how worried I've been for all the females on this campus not to mention my own safety. Things like this break my heart, because it seems like it's just getting worse as the days go on and there is an increasing lack of things we can do to change hate and lack of respect in our community.

I apologize if none of this makes sense, I'm doing my best for 1:50am

end of line.
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