Allow me to introduce myself

Hello to all!
For the longest time now I've wanted to start a blog to post ideas, frustrations and whatever else I can find. I've heard blogspot was the place to do it so here I am!

I'm a sophmore student at Elmhurst College studying Music Education (hence the title hehe) and loving mostly every minute of it. Like everyone else in the world I've found days, weeks, and sometimes months where focus on my degree and my future has become a little fuzzy. Music has been my life since the age of 3, and I'm sure that will never change no matter how fuzzy things get.

My primary instrument is Clarinet, and I love to play it-I don't practice nearly as much as I should though I have to admit. Right now I'm commuting to and from school each day which does make it difficult to find time and the desire to pull my horn out and practice, I'm getting better at that sort of thing though. I'm moving on campus in the fall of 2008 thankfully. Living in a single is what I'm hoping for, but it will be nice not to have to drive the 40+ miles each day and just go to class and do my thing.

So why did I decide to commute freshmen and sophomore year? There were several reasons, one being my younger brother (he's two years behind me) is still at home and I really felt like I couldn't leave him here to fend totally for himself with my parents being psycopaths. Another reason would be the girl I was dating is my brother's age, and my high school being only 2 blocks from my house cause my life outside of school to be displaced to the area around my home. She didn't live around my house or Lane Tech, but the covince of my house and the desire not to drive more than I had to (even though I love to drive) meant jetting from school every day as soon as I possibly could. Things have changed now and my life and an interest is centered more around Elmhurst as a whole and it feels excellent.

So why Music Education? Why not business or performance or law enforcement? Even though all those other degrees are enticing and have much different possibilities, to be able to help guide young minds seems to me the only worthwhile career I can possibly imagine. Of course, that's my personal opinion and I don't mean to knock any one down with their own life goals, I'm just saying for me Music Ed is it. I want to focus more or less in Private Instruction and High School Marching Band. I also want to get in to instrument repair and composition. I'm also considering doing a minor if I can fit it in but I'm not sure yet.

I have Crohns Disease and Ulcerative Colitis, for those who don't know that that is this link will take you to some information on Crohns and this link will take you to Colitis info. Yes it's wikipedia but it is correct. Admitedly having this condition makes life difficult at times. My symptoms as of late have been under control and I'm stable for now which is awesome. But flare ups that come at any time and pain that doesn't seem to ever go away does make things harder but not impossible. I do my best to not let it bring me down but some days are better than others. Everyone has their stuff right?

Just like everyone I've been through my share of stuff in 20 years of life. The most major experience that negativly affected my life was being diagnosed with Crohns and UC, this being tied with the accident of 2006. My brother and I were hit by a Jeep Grand Cherokee doing 35 mph as we were crossing the street going to lunch right around Christmas. It's something that my brother and I have thankfully both made it through but it's not something easily forgotten as Eric was in a difficult spot for a good span of time.

The most positive life changing experiences I've ever had would be the 4 Appalachia Service Project mission trips I went on through my church. A counterpart to Habitat for Humanity, our group of some 50 people spent a week in the southern Appalachian region of our country rebuilding homes and helping to create a better quality of living for those in need. I really need to get back down there and do some honest hard work on a hot tin roof, it helps keep my view of line where it should be. Unfortunately I won't be able to go down there and help out for a while :(

The support of my friends and family, however small, has helped so very much in everything-including staying in school when I've felt like I would rather get my life up and going now rather than in three years. Thank you to all of you incredible people, you guys are truly blessings.

Perhaps the biggest recent influence on my life, stamina, determination, source of strength and inspiration is my new found close friend and companion Jessica. As of right now, an almost girlfriend-but for sure the best almost I could ever have dreamed of. She's wonderful, and good to me, and takes care of me like no one ever has. Not to mention she's drop dead gorgeous and the cutest most adorable thing I've ever seen. :D

So that's pretty much me in a nutshell, at least for now.
end of line.


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