First Day of being a Teacher-kinda (Teaching 6th Grade at Emerson Elementary)

This morning was amazing to say the least. It started out as a regular day, sitting in the frick center with my dearest and finishing up some last minute homework over breakfast. The last minute homework this morning was a poster board that demonstrated the rhythm the bongos play according to the Batucada style of music. This board was used in a 6th grade music class at Emerson Elementary.

I met my group in the Lobby of Irion hall, had to rush to print the fact sheet I had put together out and got in my car and off we went. On the way there, while driving through Bellwood, I got pulled over for doing 52 in a 30. Strangely I'm pretty sure I did no more than 40 the entire trip but whatever.

Finally reached the school and now really had to rush to get myself together and present to this energetic and bright eyed group of 6th graders. I got through it, nervous and sweating, but I got through it and it ended up being a great time with the kids participating and laughing and dancing around the room and just generally having a great time with us.

Then back to school for a trio rehearsal that was really rocking most of the time. The three of us were decently solid with the music today, with a few mistakes of course. For the most part though, we had things together and once again I nailed a lot of the things that have been giving me trouble and tripping my fingers up for almost 2 years now.

It feels good to finally feel like I'm taking steps in the general direction of a good way. I have to admit I was really apprehensive about being a Music Ed Major since I decided to go in to it my senior year in High School. But seriously, after teaching that group of 6th graders, have them pay attention and really understand the concepts the five of us were teaching them gave me such a good feeling. A feeling of excitement and joy and general pride in these students-even though we were their teachers only for 30 mins.

Needless to say, now that things finally feel like they are sliding in to place both in my academic life and my romantic/social life the apprehension I've been feeling is almost gone. I don't think it will ever dissapear, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. It will help me keep in mind that days like yesterday and today are the reason why I'm here and I'm working and I will finish my degree no matter how tough things get-be it health wise or any other way, this feeling of success even at the smallest level has given me a second wind of encouragement, enthusiasm, determination and drive.

On the health front, I went to see my Doctor today accompanied by my lovely. Everything seems, according to him like it will work itself out and my liver will calm the heck down before it self destructs. I have a small amount of fat on my liver which isn't helping things but that's easily taken care of with exercise and continuing to make healthy choices in the caf.

So my license has dissapeared once again, but overall and wonderful day for the second time in a row! I'll get my license back and just take the hit on my insurance, I shouldn't have been speeding and I know it running late or not. My dad said my new car was going to get my in to trouble and he was right (lol) way to call it and give me back luck dad..............

Getting pulled over this morning, while running late and already nervous I think was like the ultimate test for a first time teaching. I mean I was already nervous to begin with, running late which made me a little agitated and anxious, and then getting pulled over shook me up (it was the first time I had ever been pulled over [4 years of driving and a spotless record]) I kept it together though, my composure wasn't perfect by any means but it was together enough to teach a decently successful lesson and have a good time doing it. While I was teaching the kids in the small group I had, I forgot completely about the ticket and everything that had happened and was able to just focus on the incredible group of kids in front of me.

end of line.


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