A Good Christmas

The fog tonight is unreal! I'm glad we're home for the night. Christmas this year ended up being wonderful I have to admit. We had a few rocky moments, but that's life right? I'm not looking for perfection in my life just a little less unnecessary drama and BS. Especially the kind that seems to role through here like a hurricane every Christmas. Not this year though thankfully, and I made out like a bandit with the gifts too :)

I already posted what my dearest so amazingly did for me :) (thank you Jessie) but my parents and brother also spoiled me rotten this year. My Mom and Dad got me some nice new clothes that are comfy and warm, as well as some plain t-shirts so I don't look like a bum walking around school. They also gave me an air brush starter kit which I am ECSTATIC about and can't wait to start using it this evening. A new baton that is gorgeous, some guitar strings and a new hamper for school that zips up and is on wheels to make it easier on me carrying my stuff to and from school :)

Overall an excellent haul for a kid that really didn't want anything for Christmas in the first place. Not because of anti-Christmas sentiment or a bah humbug attitude but because I know times are hard and my parents do a lot for me and I would have been content without for sure. Not to say I'm ungreatful for the things I did receive I'm just saying-appreciated but not necessary this year. I think I've hit that age where the glamor and excitement of getting material possesions at Christmas is losing it's luster-the spirit of the season (which I've recently rediscovered) is what I look forward to the most.

My Dad and Brother and I did some running around today and hung out which was great. We went to Al's hobby shop so I could pick up the other things I needed for my Airbrush and then did some errands for my Dad and had lunch at Great Escape. If you have not gone to the Great Escape on Irving just east of Manheim road you should defininltey go. AMAZING food and equally matched service makes it a favorite stop for our family when we can. Then it was on to Blick art supply in Lincoln Park for paint and medium and some other odds and ends then the bank and home. Overall a good day with my Dad, Brother and behind the wheel of my baby! A car that needs a wash sooooo bad, she looks depressed right now :(

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Well it's off to clear some space and start experimenting with my new airbrush!

end of line.

1 comment

EuroYank - Virginia Hoge said...

Always great to see a guy from Chicago online!

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