Coexist people, seriously.

The recent hate crimes this past week on campus, and now the cowardice and violent attack last night has brought on, to me and I'm sure most of my peers, a whole new level of disappointment and anger. There is absolutely NO REASON to discriminate, hate or attack another group of people because of the color of their skin, what they wear on their head or their religious beliefs. Whats more, the population around the world is only going to get more integrated whether we like it or not, whether we fight it or not. Things are segregated now because all these different "groups" of people chose to be. Either out of fear, their own hatred, or just because things have been set a certain way for a long period of time. And as far as blaming the entire Muslim world community for the actions of a violent and adolecent faction, seriously? Are we not living in 2008? It was a small part of the whole that attacked this country, a small group of the whole who brought on the devistation. It was certainly and UNDENIABLY NOT the Muslim students here at Elmhurst College, most of which if not all have been born and raised IN AMERICA and many very close to the city of ELMHURST.

College is all about making yourself better, opening your mind and soul to new ideas, new surroundings, new ways of life. Whomever goes to college just because their parents say so, or simply to get a degree should do us all a favor and drop out now. Go get a job at Wendy's or McDonalds-I'm going to need someone to flip my burgers for me. I say that because with this kind of metality that's about all you'll be good for. You have no place in the higher education realm, and no place in the upper areas of life for that matter. You don't deserve to be awarded a degree, even if you are paying through the nose to get it. Oh wait, that's right, Mommy and Daddy take care of everything don't they?

This is America. Plainly and simply, America is a place FOR diversity, where each and every person regardless race, religion, or anything else for that matter has the same equal rights and privledges as the next. Embrace the change, the integratoin. It's going to happen whether you want it to or not. Every citizen of this country has just as much right to be here as you, just as much right to a college education, a good job, a family, retirement-all of it.

How cowardice is it to hide in a female bathroom with a ski mask on and point a loaded gun at an innocent and unsuspecting girl? Then to run and hide? What have you solved? What have you accomplished? You've got an ENTIRE CAMPUS of over 3,000 PEOPLE angry, dissapointed and fearful. GO YOU! You're the man now huh? The only accomplishment I can see from you're immature, stupid, arrogant, ingnorant, disgusting, petty, and COWARDICE action is now you have 3,300 people standing up together. This morning already, via facebook of course, this campus community is banding together, becoming stronger people through each other. If I were you I would stay hidden, or better yet TURN YOURSELF IN. If you are any kind of man with any honor or integrity you A) would not have done this in the first place and B) would come forward and claim your action and the repercussions that follow.


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