Your religion is not to be used this way

I've held my tongue long enough about this and I tried to let it go but I just can't. And instead of getting in to someone's face and screaming like I usually would-I'm choosing this passive aggressive way to let said person know how I feel.

First off, we know you're Jewish. We get it. Thank you. There is nothing wrong with being Jewish, it's your life and your faith plain and simple. This is NOT an attack on your faith in any way.

Take the "jewjewjewjewjew" OFF your Facebook. Again, we know your Jewish, we don't need it thrown in our faces. No one else is throwing their Christianity at you, so TAKE IT DOWN. One word there is all we need. "Jewish" would be nice, instead of a stereotype. Your screen name fits this category too.

Using your religion as a means to get revenge at a group of girls who gave you plenty of opportunity to make it in to their organization is not only petty but immature, irrational, stupid and disgusting. The rules say you have to come to the the rush events to get in. Not only that but you have to show you can be professional, social and a positive part of the Fraternity to get in. You don't just automatically get in because you're good friends with many of the members, life does not get handed to you on a silver platter. This shows me that you are a selfish and spoiled little person, who does not deserve to get in to anything around here.

Furthermore, to go to an executive of the college and claim you are a victim of a hate crime because you're throwing a temper tantrum is wrong and immature as well-and there really is no place for that here. We have enough problems with REAL hate crimes and violence now and we don't need your petty crap on top of it. Act like you are a sophmore in college, not in high school thank you very much.

Also, to expect people to be buddy buddy and nice to you when you are on the brink of putting a large black mark on their college careers and lives is disgustingly stupid. And to expect people not directly involved who are good friends and loyal to the people you are messing with to be helpful and friendly to you is irrational and ridiculous.

It also tickles me to hear you pulled this stunt because not only do you have "jewjewjew" pasted on your Facebook, but you also have moderately racial things on picture comments and quotes on your book as well. Look up the definiton of hypocrite and take a look in the mirror.

Finally I gave the binder back to her, I don't have it anymore because I don't need it anymore. If you want it go ask her for it and stop bothering me. I have no time or energy for this kind of thing anymore. You stay away from me, I make my life hard enough on my own.



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