Can't sleep blues

Well seeing as how it's a concert weekend, my dearest is hogging the bed, and I can't sleep I figure I'll update this now as I won't have the chance later on.

I somehow manage to keep pulling grades out of my ass. Don't ask me how it's happening, it just is-I've become even more lazy as the semester has gone on but somehow manage to keep getting A's and B's on stuff. For example, the transposition test in conducting (which i did study somewhat for) I pulled a B on. HOW? I have no idea, I left the classroom thinking "sweet Jesus God I failed that thing" and fully thinking taking conducting 1 over again was going to have to be put in to my plans for next year. I've failed only one thing so far in the class, granted it counted for 40 percent of our grade-but still I think I'm for sure in B territory.

Thursday morning I walked in to Psychology class after missing Tuesday morning for band tour and totally forgetting to email my professor or anything. We had a test which I got through by the seat of my pants using logical choices for the multiple choice. I'm willing to bet I got at least a C on it. That sound cocky but it's not meant that way. I'm basing this prediction on the string of luck I seem to currently be on. Vegas anyone?

I'm so glad that I'm getting closer to the people around this campus, and have managed to find those that are true friends and worth getting to know. I've never honestly let my guard down like this and tried being myself around anyone before, and so far it seems like things are good :) It definantly makes eating meals more enjoyable, and not so lonely. Jessie has been a HUGE help and influence at getting me to relax and calm the hell down, and just helps make things easier in general (except when you're being a pain in the ass :P )

I've got a slightly elaborate and romantic afternoon/evening planned for my dearest later on and I'm so excited! It's nothing huge and I'll post more details later (I don't want her reading this and having the surprise be ruined) I really hope she enjoys it though :/

The alleged hate crime that happened two weeks ago now has left such a bad taste in my mouth. Not directed at the Muslim people, or anything like that. But directed at the immaturity and stupidity of people and society. I have no idea what she was aiming to achieve with her actions but the end result was several steps backwards towards a tolerant and respectful place for anyone to go to school. She's facing some jail time after a court hearing, and I honestly hope either the court rules that she didn't make it up and she is not punished wrongfully or if she really did make it up then she should get some kind of reprimand. Jail at 19 years of age makes my heart drop and my stomach hurt, just thinking if I were in her position-but she needs to be held accountable in some way. What she did to us, her "friends" her "community" her college was so wrong and disgusting it's going to take a long time for me to feel comfortable again, or even be able to put out of my mind how utterly terrified Jessie was and how worried I've been for all the females on this campus not to mention my own safety. Things like this break my heart, because it seems like it's just getting worse as the days go on and there is an increasing lack of things we can do to change hate and lack of respect in our community.

I apologize if none of this makes sense, I'm doing my best for 1:50am

end of line.

Weekly Update

The weeks seem like they are getting shorter and shorter with more and more to do. Ti's the season I guess, the season of AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH and then a little Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday thrown in. We're already getting our schedules for next semester in order-I have a really nice registration time this go around though :)

It looks like Jessie and I will be able to take a class together! Which is going to be great just like everything else. We can work on the homework together and won't be terribly bored in class either :D! I'm looking forward to that and everything else life has in store for us.

Apparently the hate crime that happened last week was fake? The police, college and other authorities say it was; right now I'm just not sure what to believe. I mean no disrespect to anyone with posting this. This is seriously just some thoughts I've had. I want to be behind the girl because she's a fellow EC student of mine and a good friend of my lovely; at the same time though some things just don't add up. After hearing about this yesterday afternoon several questions came up in my head. The first going back to the first incident with the writing in her locker. There has been no mention that her lock was indeed cut, at least none that I can find. In order to break in to these lockers you would need a pair of bolt cutters, which are by no means pocket sized, or even backpack sized for that matter. Someone would have seen this mystery person breaking in to the locker, wielding a pair of these monsters:

Even if he was smart enough to find a battery operated unit:
These things still make a hell of a lot of noise when the cutter finally chews it's way through the hardened steel lock. Either means of operation cause a whole lot of noise, and in a busy student center and her locker being off a high traffic area someone somehow had to have heard it. With a campus of 3,300 students, many of which spend some time in the Frick center or walking through the Frick center, how could no one have seen anything? If there are witnesses and they are keeping their mouths shut, they should be arrested by Elmhurst Police too!

The second thing I have to wonder is with the rally going on in Schiable, in the basement where the now alleged attack happened, on a Thursday night when there are night classes going on, how did no one see a guy coming out of a girl's bathroom or not hear her fight with him? How the hell did he know she was going to use that bathroom at the exact time she walked in? As far as my bladder is concerned I have no regimented schedule for bathroom time. It all depends on how much you eat and drink over the course of the day and what you eat and drink. There is no way anyone can get a person's bathroom habbits down 100%.

My final question is how did she get a TEXT MESSAGE out to one of her friends before passing out? If he hit her hard enough with the gun to knock her out, I'm no MD but I'm pretty sure there is a few seconds of wooziness and then your out. It's not instant, but it takes much longer than 3 or 4 seconds to typ in a text message and send it. Going by my own experiences with being knocked unconcious it takes a lot less time than she would need to send it. There's also the issue of cell phone reception in the basement of that building. I've tried texting Jessie a whole bunch of times while she was in class down there and her reception bounces in and out, most of the time it's out. My Tues Thurs class down there gives me very little reception if any, and I get reception just about everywhere. Even in the dead zone in the office I work in I still get reception.

Now let me say again, I mean no disrespect to anyone with writing this. I really want to believe her and be behind her as her friend and peer, but at the same time the missing pieces are making me hesitate. My heart and prayers go out to her and her family, hoping and praying we get to the bottom of this. That she has not permanantley marked her record, that the alleged coward comes forward and takes the heat for his actions, that everyone can walk around our campus and the beautiful city of Elmhurst without having to worry too much. I absolutley love walking around down town Elmhurst and seeing families with little kids running around the chipotle square screaming and doing what kids do best-expelling energy with the parents keeping an eye out but not having to wonder "is that guy or girl going to hurt my kid?" or even at the park across the street. Jessie and I often walk through the park going and coming from our town runs and seeing kids running around and having fun gives me the biggest smile. I never had that freedom when I was little living in this grotesque city. My parents had to teather themselves to me and my brother when we would go downtown or even walking to the park. Once we were there, we had boundaries, we had to stay close just in case. Granted no place is ever 100% safe, we've got another clown molestor running across the city right now for crying out loud. But the City of Elmhurst prides itself on it's small town atmospher and it's safe living, and it's something I admire. Even with the Virginia Tech and Northern tragedys, most of myself still felt very safe walking around our campus.

I'm still going to walk with Jessie and anyone else for that matter that wants to be escorted at night. I would not be able to sit right with myself otherwise. We still need to keep each other safe, especially if this terrible incident was and is real. There could still be some Nazi lowlife running around our campus with a hand gun, and that scares the living hell out of me. I still very much want to keep my friends and my darling safe, and I still very much want someone to be held accountable and strung up if he did infact do this. I'm still angry at all the senseless hate in the world both close to home and far away, I'm just saying this recent turn of events has made me stop and think.

Lets keep our eyes open, our heads straight and get to the bottom of this. PLEASE continue to support our peer in this time, she needs all of our spirits right now-believe me the thoughts and prayers of a large body of people can do wonders. My brother and I are living proof of it.

Your religion is not to be used this way

I've held my tongue long enough about this and I tried to let it go but I just can't. And instead of getting in to someone's face and screaming like I usually would-I'm choosing this passive aggressive way to let said person know how I feel.

First off, we know you're Jewish. We get it. Thank you. There is nothing wrong with being Jewish, it's your life and your faith plain and simple. This is NOT an attack on your faith in any way.

Take the "jewjewjewjewjew" OFF your Facebook. Again, we know your Jewish, we don't need it thrown in our faces. No one else is throwing their Christianity at you, so TAKE IT DOWN. One word there is all we need. "Jewish" would be nice, instead of a stereotype. Your screen name fits this category too.

Using your religion as a means to get revenge at a group of girls who gave you plenty of opportunity to make it in to their organization is not only petty but immature, irrational, stupid and disgusting. The rules say you have to come to the the rush events to get in. Not only that but you have to show you can be professional, social and a positive part of the Fraternity to get in. You don't just automatically get in because you're good friends with many of the members, life does not get handed to you on a silver platter. This shows me that you are a selfish and spoiled little person, who does not deserve to get in to anything around here.

Furthermore, to go to an executive of the college and claim you are a victim of a hate crime because you're throwing a temper tantrum is wrong and immature as well-and there really is no place for that here. We have enough problems with REAL hate crimes and violence now and we don't need your petty crap on top of it. Act like you are a sophmore in college, not in high school thank you very much.

Also, to expect people to be buddy buddy and nice to you when you are on the brink of putting a large black mark on their college careers and lives is disgustingly stupid. And to expect people not directly involved who are good friends and loyal to the people you are messing with to be helpful and friendly to you is irrational and ridiculous.

It also tickles me to hear you pulled this stunt because not only do you have "jewjewjew" pasted on your Facebook, but you also have moderately racial things on picture comments and quotes on your book as well. Look up the definiton of hypocrite and take a look in the mirror.

Finally I gave the binder back to her, I don't have it anymore because I don't need it anymore. If you want it go ask her for it and stop bothering me. I have no time or energy for this kind of thing anymore. You stay away from me, I make my life hard enough on my own.


Coexist people, seriously.

The recent hate crimes this past week on campus, and now the cowardice and violent attack last night has brought on, to me and I'm sure most of my peers, a whole new level of disappointment and anger. There is absolutely NO REASON to discriminate, hate or attack another group of people because of the color of their skin, what they wear on their head or their religious beliefs. Whats more, the population around the world is only going to get more integrated whether we like it or not, whether we fight it or not. Things are segregated now because all these different "groups" of people chose to be. Either out of fear, their own hatred, or just because things have been set a certain way for a long period of time. And as far as blaming the entire Muslim world community for the actions of a violent and adolecent faction, seriously? Are we not living in 2008? It was a small part of the whole that attacked this country, a small group of the whole who brought on the devistation. It was certainly and UNDENIABLY NOT the Muslim students here at Elmhurst College, most of which if not all have been born and raised IN AMERICA and many very close to the city of ELMHURST.

College is all about making yourself better, opening your mind and soul to new ideas, new surroundings, new ways of life. Whomever goes to college just because their parents say so, or simply to get a degree should do us all a favor and drop out now. Go get a job at Wendy's or McDonalds-I'm going to need someone to flip my burgers for me. I say that because with this kind of metality that's about all you'll be good for. You have no place in the higher education realm, and no place in the upper areas of life for that matter. You don't deserve to be awarded a degree, even if you are paying through the nose to get it. Oh wait, that's right, Mommy and Daddy take care of everything don't they?

This is America. Plainly and simply, America is a place FOR diversity, where each and every person regardless race, religion, or anything else for that matter has the same equal rights and privledges as the next. Embrace the change, the integratoin. It's going to happen whether you want it to or not. Every citizen of this country has just as much right to be here as you, just as much right to a college education, a good job, a family, retirement-all of it.

How cowardice is it to hide in a female bathroom with a ski mask on and point a loaded gun at an innocent and unsuspecting girl? Then to run and hide? What have you solved? What have you accomplished? You've got an ENTIRE CAMPUS of over 3,000 PEOPLE angry, dissapointed and fearful. GO YOU! You're the man now huh? The only accomplishment I can see from you're immature, stupid, arrogant, ingnorant, disgusting, petty, and COWARDICE action is now you have 3,300 people standing up together. This morning already, via facebook of course, this campus community is banding together, becoming stronger people through each other. If I were you I would stay hidden, or better yet TURN YOURSELF IN. If you are any kind of man with any honor or integrity you A) would not have done this in the first place and B) would come forward and claim your action and the repercussions that follow.

Weekly Update Belayed

It has been one hell of a week and weekend for that matter. I found out last night my Godmother has come down with a mild heart disease and is slowly going to waste away on me. I feel slightly guilty for not wanting to go over there over the summer like I should have, but I'm going to make an attempt to head over there as much as possible-especially now. I don't want to be crying at her funeral because I was an asshole and neglected to visit. I'm going to make the time, regardless of what is going on at school. I've found that the work load is not as hard as I have previously thought as long as I use my shifts at my job to get ahead in whatever I can. It's especially a good time for the music history encounter.

I bombed my conducting musical terms test, which is 40% of the overall grade for the semester. I'm not too worried though after talking to Judy, I can still pass conducting I with a B as long as I do everything perfect from here on out. I've been practicing conducting every day after I'm done practicing my clarinet and it seems to be helping out. I really don't want to have to ever take a class over, I have never had to take a class over in my entire academic career and I don't want to start doing it again.

On a lighter note, I've decided for sure that a cold air intake is going on my ride. It will give her a more aggressive sound, even though she already sounds mean now. She's at 158hp, which is not bad for a 4 cylinder, but still not as quick off the line as I would like. It'll boost her to 168hp and with a few more mods like wrapping the manifold and down pipe and maybe changing the muffler she should be at 200hp or just under-which should give her the boost I'm looking for. Once I get her up to about 60, mashing down on the pedal is amazing. You get pushed back in to the seat and she's responsive and seems to enjoy it herself. This modification will most likely happen at the start of summer, as I have to save up for it. 400 dollars is most likely what it's going to cost me, and with the coming of the winter and wet season I don't want to have to worry about changing the intake around after having the new one on for only a short time. Even with a splash guard, the air filter can get wet and I just don't want to have to deal with it right now. Not to mention I have to take her in to get rustproofed still, and I'm not sure how much that is going to cost yet......

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