The Day Before Christmas Eve

Today was an adventurous day to say the least. I braved the weather and traffic this morning to go pick Jessie up and spend the day with her. The drive out was not as bad as I expected it to be, but there were several white knuckle moments. I drew heavily on the intense experience I have gain over the last 3 1/2 years of driving, especially the 200 plus miles a week I was logging behind the wheel commuting the first two years of school.

I picked my dearest up from her house in the middle of snow stricken Roselle and we shot up to Woodfield so I could grab her last minute Christmas present. I bought her a tea pot, tea, tea strainer for the pot, and a new fountain pen so that she has a nice pen to write all her pen pals on :) I think the pen was my favorite gift I bought her this year.

The last picture is of the beautiful stationary that my family bought her fro Christmas to use with her pen pals or whatever else she needs to write.

She bought me some more of my favorite tea, a tea timer and made me this incredibly warm and soft scarf that is sure to keep my neck and chest nice and cozy under my coat for this winter and many winters to come.

I cooked dinner tonight for Jessie and my family and made the ever popular staple of tacos which turned out splendidly for having to be in a small rush. We ate dinner and dessert and had some conversation and then opened gifts and hung out for a while. Then is was back on the road to take her home. Thankfully my Dad offered to drive in his '94 Ram which is fully equipped with 4 wheel drive-which we ended up needing desperately on Lake street once we were off the expressway. It was 10pm and they were just starting to get plows out on Lake street. Coming back down Lake street was even worse, the snow seemed to pile up higher on the east bound side for some reason. On the way back my Dad's brand new wipers failed at life so when we stopped to get gas he had to make on the fly modifications to get them to stay on.

I'm home now writing this instead of in a ditch on the side of the road writing this. It was totally worth it though in my opinion, I needed to see Jessie before Christmas and I hope dinner and the presents helped ease her sadness and anxiety about not having her Dad home from little rock yet. I just checked the website and it says his flight arrived. I'm hoping and praying he's home safe with them.

I think I've reached the point in my life where Christmas has taken on a whole new meaning. Instead of the usual thoughts of presents and food I keep finding myself continuing my thoughts of appreciating and thanksgiving for what and whom I have in my life. A warm place to sleep at night, a reliable car, a great job, enrollment in an excellent school, awesome family who I cannot live without, good friends both new and those I've know 13 years, and a girlfriend who lights up my life with so many different things it's not even funny. I am filled with contentment this year like I have never felt before. When my mother demanded I give her a list of things I "wanted for Christmas" it took several weeks to come up with 3 or 4 items and even longer to come up with the 9 things I did eventually ask for. My main staple was a new baton which has already arrived and it is gorgeous. I got it from Newland batons, who's quality and service is excellent and I would highly recommend buying from them if you don't know about them already. Here is the link to their website. They do all custom orders but sometimes have some already made that are shipped out in just 3 days. Even my custom order took only a week to get to me, like I said: they have AWESOME customer service.

I am so looking forward to Christmas day. Sitting at home with my family, playing some video games and watching some movies and just generally being a lazy cat the whole day. Tomorrow too aside from 9pm service at church. Anyone else going to be there?


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