My Thoughts on the Presidential Election 2008

First off, as always, these are my opinions. I own them and own up to them 100% without question. That being said this is NOT a personal attack on anyone or anyone's beliefs-these are mine please be respectful as I will towards your beliefs.

Last night was a huge moment in history without question. We witnessed the first presidential election that was multi-racial beyond the usual melting pot of American society. This is a GOOD thing. One of the things so far that has pissed me off are black people saying that Obama is not "black enough." Are you people all serious? Really? First off I refuse to accept all this whining and crying over the segregation and inequality in this country when YOU yourselves are providing the basis for it. Just because he more than Black does not disqualify him. I almost fell off my chair last night talking with one of my friends who, she herself, is not 100% black. When she told me she hated Obama because he is "not black enough" I seriously could not bring myself to talk to her very much if at all in fear of snapping and losing my temper. You people need to stop with all this stuff. Seriously.

Secondly. Anyone, Republican or not, that can sit and honestly think and say the Republican regime in this country has done us any good should do some more research and open their minds. We are in a financial crisis, a war over a substance that is quickly losing it's value all over the globe, and acts and policies that make American life harder for the average middle class worker. The Republican party has no concept of what it means to be middle class, and that is evident with the price of oil, the taxes placed on people that make less than half a million dollars a year, and countless other things that have made life for MY blue collar middle clas family extremely hard and nerve racking. McCain doesn't even know how many houses he owns, and you wanted HIM to be your president?

Thirdly he picked a woman, who is the Governor of a State where nothing ever happens. Just because you can see Russia from the shores of the State does NOT qualify you for the whitehouse. The woman had never set foot in Washington D.C. that I could find. At least Obama has been in the Senate working IN Washington and getting the real experience. Is he qualified for the position? In my opinion no, he has not been in the game long enough-but that is exactly why he picked Joe Biden. Joe Biden gets the middle class as far as I'm concerned.

Lets take a look at congress for a second. Just about every single incumbant was voted out of his/her seat without much contest. What does that tell you? It tells me personally that the Republican regime has failed out country miserably and people (including long standing republicans) are sick and tired of the consistant downward spiral we've been in for the past 8 years.

Is Obama the answer? I'm still undecided on that. Do I think he will do some good? YES. People are so afraid of change, even when things are bad, that anything new freaks them out. We all need to stand together as a country, embrace this historic day in our nations history, and have faith and give support to our new President and congressional members. They all have a huge mess to clean up and many many fires to put out.

Instead of pointing fingers, getting in to fights with each other, crying and screaming and running for another country: stop and give him a chance. please. It's the right time for this country to get back on it's feet-and I have every confidence in President Obama that he will at least give his very best effort to make the changes we need happen.


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