Another Week Down

It's been another long week, and as Jessie snoozes on the couch next to me I can honestly say Thank GOD it's Friday. This week was by no means any more difficult than usual, it just seemed to take forever. Things continue as per last update. I'm still taking prednisone, still watching what I eat, still hanging in there. I have an appointment with another doctor on the 21st of November and have received all the paper work I need to fill out and send back before my appointment. This Thursday I need to go get blood work done. Papers due, tests coming out of my ears, performances and juries, AHHH! So much to do, as I'm sure everyone else has as well.

Crashing at the girlfriend's parents house tonight and tomorrow we have the president's inaguration at my college. Then work Sunday, and back in to the school week. I seriously can't wait until I'm out in the real world and acutally have a Saturday and Sunday where I'm not working. Of course who knows if that will indeed happen when I'm out on my own, but I can hope-right?

This morning I worked through my first serious cardio workout in a long time. It felt good to actually be burning fat/calories but at the same time made me feel shak and sick. It will get better as I continue to stick to this routine, and having J come with three days a week along with the walks dearest and I take is helping keeping me motivated. I'm monitoring my caloric intake with an online journal and just really watching what I take in, although some days I'm a better boy than others. It's time, I've let my health slide for too long, used my condition as a crutch and an excuse for too long. It's time to get my butt in gear for my sake, and for Jessie's sake.

A cold night in is feeling sooo good. I'm actually going to try and get some homeowrk done while we sit and relax, with no pressure to actually get it done-I just want to get something done at all before dinner and a moive with Sweet Pea. Psychology Paper, HERE I COME!

end of line.


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