Weekly Update

6 days and counting until the great move. I'm a mix of excited, leary, and impatient all at the same time. Excited because it's a big step in the right direction with my life, it will help me focus better at school and save money and time. Time especially that will help me get closer to my friends, I'm tired of being so distant with people around me. I want to get to know J, James, Mickie, Jen and Dave more closely. Living on campus and being around them more constantly is going to be awesome and I am soooooo looking forward to it.

In my last post I talked about anxiety of moving away, but last night as I was out watering the garden for my mom it hit me: I'm going to be coming home every weekend for work. At least every Saturday night, which has put me more at ease about moving out and all the stuff I have to accomplish before this coming Sunday. Things like make sure my room is spit spot clean, all my stuff is organized and all of that seem kind of pointless because I can always clean my room and organize it on a Saturday night or something. Although my overall plan is to get it extremely clean and organized for my parents sake before I leave, it's not like I'm going away for months at a time.

I am looking forward to sleeping next to my dearest every night, seeing her constantly, working together with her on homeowork and excercise and music and just life in general. It's exciting to think that we'll be un-officially sharing a space, and I think will be the clincher whether or not we are going to make it. Granted things down the road can come up, but I think if we can get living together down now everything else later will be a piece of cake.

I got the lights working in my car! Switch and everything. Although the switch I bought is totally wrong for the application it works just as well as anything else I could put in there. The last thing I have to do sometime this week is secure the switch in the pannel as it likes to pop out from time to time. A subtle modification that I put together myself, a major achievement as far as I'm concerned given the obstacles that came with such a simple project. The next things I'm going to want to do is paint my brake calipers, most likely red or yellow, and wrap the headers and exhaust to boost the power even though it will be slight. After that it will most likely be a cold air intake (a relatively simple change) even though I'm convinced changing the intake on my car will not give it that much more of a kick I've heard that even catback exhaust systems and things like that are not worth the money but we'll see. The exhuast wrapping makes sense though, as it will keep the engine compartment cooler and will make the exhaust gases move off the engine more efficiently-that is just simple physics.

Painting the brake calipers and wrapping the headers is a several day project which involves lifting the car off the ground, so we'll see if I have the room to do it either during christmas break, spring break or even next summer. I don't know what my Dad plans on doing with the empty space in the garage while I'm away at school, I'll prolly discuss that with him tonight at dins.

After I get all that done, starting this summer I'm going to try a do some autocross racing with it down in Joliett. It's a moderate speed precision driving race that looks and sounds like a blast. Just something I really want to try and get in to, I might as well do something with all the performance I paid for :D

end of line.


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