Week One Down

First week of school officially done! It feels so very good to be back in class and at Elmhurst and to not have to commute! It's amazing how cutting out an hour and a half commute (one way) boosted my energy, gave me much more time for studies and relaxing, not to mention spending time with my dearest and my friends.

The work load this semester is by far the worst I've had yet. Music history alone is going to take up a lot of time, hopefully we'll get a group together and get it down as a team. The encounters alone are going to kill us, not to mention the reading and the research etc etc. I'm enjoying learning about music history though, as I've never had an official class or anything on it.

Falling asleep next to my Jess is still a work in progress but amazing none the less. She's the most adorable thing ever as far as I'm concerned, and really cuddly too when she's not beating me up in her sleep (cough cough lol) It's good practice for the future, and there should defiantly be no surprises if I'm lucky enough to have her hand later on in life.

I just bought the mp3 download of Finzi's Five Bagatels this morning as I've been itching to hear it again. I played the first movement for a Jury and loved the pice as difficult as it was. The rest of his work is beautiful as well and with the office to myself right now it's cranked. I also downloaded his Three Soliloquies which again is amazing. Classical music has taken on a whole new form for me I think.

I made Wind Ensemble this year too! Which I am totally amazed, excited and terrified about. It's going to be a serious challenge and I know I can handle it, it's for sure uncharted territory around EC though, I'm looking forward to a change in pace though. I love playing under Ross, but a chance to play under a different director while still in College is something that is hard to pass up-not to mention the competition is tough to get in the wind ensemble. There has already been an attempt at trying to get me out of it through rumors and what have you-but it's not going to stop or discourage me from this. If I get removed from the Wind Ensemble it's going to be because I simply cannot handle it, and that will be by my own doing. I really cannot stand to be messed with like this, however petty and immature this person's actions are it's not something I can just overlook. I'm not going to be vicious or mean about anything, but I'm not going to roll over either.

It's good to see my brother again, and it was fun playing some TF2 with him last night. I'm looking forward to getting home so we can play some more and hang out. Jess' brother comes home from boot camp as a Marine Monday and I am SO EXCITED for her and him! It's an accomplishment of a lifetime for him and I know seeing her little brother will make my favorite person in the world a very happy girl.

end of line.


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