I finally heard from the doctor today after almost three months of waiting, becoming increasingly frustrated, and calling with no return phone call. Apparently the doctor that sent me to this specialist that does not think I'm worth his time has not heard from him either. However the slides from my biopsy in April made it to Northwestern and back to Glenbrook hospitals weeks ago....

As I sit here writing this right now, my daily dose of Prednisone has been lowered from 40mg to 30mg! Thankfully I'm getting weaned off the roids starting tonight. It seems like I've been on it such a long time, and my doctor on the phone today was concerned about the prolonged use of the Prednisone but also doesn't want to risk hurting my liver any more than it already is.

I'm going up to the North Shore Thursday afternoon to get blood work done and get more answers. Hopefully by then my doc will have been able to get in touch with this guy from Northwestern and we can finally figure out if I'm going to need a liver in 10 years or if it's just Sarcoidosis. Either way I just want some freaking answers already!

I was told to expect nothing but good things out of Northwestern, and my Father swears by them but I seriously have a hard time seeing them as the best, when I can't even get in touch with a guy who is supposed to look things over and tell me what's wrong. I need answers now and he scheduled me to see him again in MAY. MAY of 2009. Makes no sense to me whatsoever. Thanks Northwestern for nothing, I want to go somewhere else!


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