Saturday Thoughts

I'd like to start this weeks edition of Saturday thoughts off with yet again something about driving. Driving consumes a lot of our time and energy from day to day, after all in order to do most things in our lives it involves travel of some sort even for a short distance. Most of this travel is done via personal vehicle.

My first thought is just about the same as last week. Drive 65 and stop being a jerk behind the wheel. We all have the power to be courteous and kind to each other and a responsibility to make sure that we and our fellow travelers have every chance of making it to and from their destination safely. Slow down, set the cruise or relax that lead foot and keep your vehicle moving at 65 mph at the most. The interstates are not race tracks, you ARE NOT Mario Andriette, your vehicle is not entered in the Indy 500. Seriously slow down. Not to mention the insane increase in MPG you will achieve. There is something about keeping your speed under 65 mph no matter what your driving that helps even the thirstiest engines consume less and become more efficient.

My second thought for the day has yet again to do with driving. Again we all have to do it, we all have places to go and people to see and we all want to get there safely-at least I hope we all do. So here is my challenge, while still maintaining safety behind the wheel, use a little kindness and let someone who has their turn signal on and is waiting patiently in front of you. The driver with their turn signal on that is not running people off the road deserves a favor. Let them over, slow down slightly, acknowledge to them some how and continue on.

This leads me to my next challenge. If someone lets you over on the expressway or on the streets, if someone goes slightly out of their way to help you out in some way, or even if someone smiles at you or is in any way nice to you. Do the same to three more people. Don't explain to them that they have to do this too, it will happen automatically. Not one, two, but THREE people. Tip a little extra, help someone drag a couch off their property that someone else very rudely left there. Pay it forward. An old concept being revived as of today.

A pretty amazing week once again. Spent a lot of time with the Angel in my life, walking, talking, sharing meals, coaching, and enjoying each others company. This year's fourth of July was the best 4th I have had in a very long time. It was low key and laid back, and wonderful :) Thank you Sweet Pea.

Love your neighbor as yourself.
end of line.


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