It's Been A While

One of my favorite rocks songs of all time. "It's Been A While" by Staind :D

Anyways it really has been a while since I've updated this, I just really have not been in the mood to blog recently-but here it goes:

Everything is going fine for the most part, a few hiccups here and there but that's life-it's to be expected. I passed all of my classes and I officially have Junior status at Elmhurst, a dorm on campus this fall, and caring and amazerful almost very soon to be girlfriend. I still have my job despite all the time I've had to take off for school family and fun related things. I took the basic skills test which was a lot less scary than I thought it would be. I've started being serious about physical activity and have already noticed a difference in my body.

My health is another matter right now. My Crohns feels unstable and it looks like I may be switching medications and finally getting on something that is more powerful with less side affects than traditional drugs. I'll keep this updated at the least on what is going on with that, just in case any google searches on Crohns lands a hit on my blog. I've had Crohns and UC for a little over 3 years now, and I don't claim to be an expert but living with it does give a little bit of a different perspective.

My mother is still desperately trying to find work, and her desperation and frustration with herself is still bringing the energy of this household down but we're all hanging in there and trying to be supportive. Keeping her busy when she's not looking for jobs has proven tough and the task seems to have fallen on my shoulders while my Dad is at work-but I'm not complaining it keeps her in a better mood, we get stuff done around this house that drive me crazy, keeps me busy and active, and helps her keep her mind off things at least a little.

I am happy to report that the fishes, frogs, and snails are all doing well and are very healthy and happy! Even those doomed to die after a couple days my Dan (HA I WIN) I've had most of my fish over a year now and I am so proud at how well I've taken care of them. A little bit every couple of days keeps the tank healthy and the fish happy :D

To Jess:
I know I say this all the time but I want to say it again. You are seriously the light in my life, my rock, the reason behind my strength, determination, drive, and happiness. You have shown me a way of life that is so secure and steady I never could have dreamed would be this amazing. I've got such a good feeling about our future together, and yes we need to take things one step at a time, but as far as I'm concerned as of today- you are it Sweet Pea. You're the only one for me. And very soon my darling it's going to be official, and I can't wait for my plan to go in to action with asking you to make it official! :D MWAHAHAHAHAHA :D!


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